1999 Elisabeth received the name Dimutara as a vision how to live in a loving, respectful relationship with the earth and her creation.

The name Dimutara has a female and male aspect and stands for peace and union of the female and male energies within ourselves and between men and women.

In this respect Elisabeth Guentert Bay and Dieter Bay are the founders of Dimutara which they understand as a lifelong learning and experimental project which they are sharing with others.

Our vision engages us in moving towards the healing of our relationship to our Selves and our karmic past, developing our highest potential as humans and understanding our purpose in life. It demands continuous inner transformation, flexibility, time to reflect inward and resolve personal issues, letting go of old patterns and useless (or empty) thought forms.

It further engages us in working toward healing our relationships to our fellow humans, preparing us for communal living, working toward unity, welcoming diversity as a great gift and striving for peace.

This vision also embraces the out most necessity for a deeper understanding, respect and healing of the relationship between humans and the earth (Gaia). We are striving to learn, understand and respect all layers of her existence, her subtle forces visible and invisible (be it in her physical, emotional or spiritual realms of existence). How does the earth cosmos influence us, how deep is our interconnectedness, how much do our actions, emotions and our thinking influence her?

It is our goal to live in conscious community and co-creation with the earth, seeing ourselves as “integral part of” – rather than “ruler over” the earth.

As partners Elisabeth and Dieter are combining in their life and work their passion, engagement and expertise in the fields of Healing Arts, spiritual Psychotherapy, Horticulture, Landscape work and Geomancy.